Confirmation email essentials
Confirmation emails are some of the most widely read, and are often saved to be referenced at a later time.
Confirmation emails are some of the most widely read, and are often saved to be referenced at a later time.
If you hold an event, email is a great way to inform your audience about it and set their expectations.
If you’re launching something new, why not let your valuable subscribers in on the news?
The welcome email has the highest open and click-through rates, use it well!
Video walkthrough of making text and images editable, and how links work.
Video walkthrough of how to setup sections, components, and regions.
Maintaining consistent spacing in an email layout.
How to prepare your template for email clients and their dark mode affects.
Simple code for globally adjusting any column in an email template for mobile.
No more tables, no more VML, no more Outlook’s dirty code!
Checks and balances we put in Blocks Edit to help your emails achieve their greatest potential!
And 12 essential items you should include on your checklist.
Reminders for content that should be reviewed for your emails.
Ways that email providers mess with your code and what to do about it.
How to account for your email design's text-only output.