
Using integrations

Blocks Edit's modularized workflow allows using multiple integrations as sources. You can have multiple instances of the same integration type, each with its own settings. You can even specify a folder for your team members to access for each integration.

Theme sources

After setting up your integrations, you can enable multiple integrations to use as asset sources in the editor. You can do this in the dashboard by clicking on the preferences icon () on the right side of a theme title.

Note: you will need to be an admin or owner on the account to have access to these settings.

Screenshot of template settings panel in Blocks Edit.

Browsing files

If you'd like to import images from an external source, you can browse the files from your source.

Screenshot of the file browser in Blocks Edit.


When you’re ready to export your email or page, you will be able to choose where you want to save your images, with your sources as options.

Screenshot of image exporting in Blocks Edit, with source browsing, manual URL, and relative path options.

The image URLs from your email or page will be automatically updated in the HTML.

You will then have the option to export your HTML as well, including to your source option(s).

Screenshot of the export modal in Blocks Edit, with HTML transfer, download, and copy options.


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