If you have a form section available with form field components, you can build a custom form and submit it to your form processor.
Field options
After dragging in your field components, clicking on each field brings up options that you are able to set for the field:
All fields have a Required field checkbox to set if the field should be required in order to submit the form.
All fields also have a Name variable. This is needed for form processors to uniquely identify each form field.
For single-line text fields, you can set a character limit. You may also have the option to set placeholder text, or a default value for the field.
For a text area with multiple lines, you can set the number of rows you want to be displayed to give your users an indication of the amount of details to provide.
For a field with a dropdown selection of items, you can add as many items as you need, each with a value, needed for your form processor to use, and a label, which your users will see.
For radio buttons and checkboxes, you'll see the option to duplicate items in order to add new ones. You can edit the value for them by clicking on the text next to each one. You'll need to make sure to also set a Name variable by clicking on each radio button or checkbox.
Submitting the form
As you're editing your form fields, you will see a dashed line around all of your fields. This is the form region that groups them all together. To set where your form is submitted click anywhere within the region, avoiding your form fields. You will see a button with a form icon () come up that will allow you to set the URL for where your form needs to submit for your form processor.