The fastest CMS setup for email and landing pages now gets even faster, with the ability to start editing content right away, without having to setup anything! Just import your HTML email or page and content is ready to start making changes to.
Initial editing
After importing, you’ll see that text and images can be edited in the preview mode. Go back to your dashboard and you’ll be able to create new emails or pages with your imported HTML acting as a template. Make the changes you need to the text and images and export out the final HTML to use with your email provider or web host.
Further editing options
If you want to make adjustments to your editable content, you can go back to the visual theme editor from the dashboard by clicking on the edit icon next to the theme. Then click the Edit button at the top. You’ll be able to click on the different content pieces and disable ones you don’t want to be editable as well as set other options for each content piece.
Here you can also add components of the design that can be dragged in from the sidebar. Here’s an overview of everything you can do.
Instant editing in Blocks Edit is available to start using for your HTML designs. You can sign up for free and import now.