Lean Design Blog

Blocks Edit update: dark mode preview and editing

View and edit your emails in dark mode.

Have you decided to take your email template to the dark mode? You can now preview and edit content in Blocks Edit in dark mode, without having your system or browser settings set to dark mode.

Switching to dark mode in Blocks Edit

After importing your template, you will now see an added option on the left after desktop and mobile views to switch from the default light mode to your email's dark mode styling settings. You will only see the option if your template has dark mode code and uses the prefers-color-scheme media query.

You can both preview and edit your content as you normally would with the option on, including in the mobile view.

Want to try it out for yourself? Sign up and import your template for free!

Photo of Ovi Demetrian Jr Ovi Demetrian Jr
Designing and building websites and emails for over 15 years