Starter Design System

Starter email theme icon

Starter page components

HTML design system of standard form components

Form preview

Made for building forms. With common patterns that can be mixed and matched for any form.


  • Responsive across screen sizes
  • Dark mode compatibility
  • Semantic code, optimized for accessibility
  • Blocks Edit ready for drag and drop editing

Commonly used components

Single text field
Single text field
Two column text fields
Two column text fields
Three column text fields
Three column text fields
Text area field
Text area field
File upload field
File upload field
Email field
Email field
Phone number field
Phone number field
Radio buttons
Radio buttons
Select field
Select field

This theme has been put together by the Blocks Edit team. Blocks Edit makes any HTML template editable in a visual editor. So you can setup your own design for your team to build and edit landing pages on their own. Learn how it works.

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