The use of brand in email
"Branding and design aesthetics can sound like a fuzzy proposition, but understanding their underlying principles can lead to strategic results."
Anatomy of a Winning Email Design
Campaign Monitor teams up with Emma and Email Monks to bring you the Anatomy of a Winning Email Design.
25 Types of the Best Transactional Emails
From account creation, to billing, notifications, alerts and more. All the different kinds of transactional emails you should be using!
An email design system for your thoughts
"Using a design system helps you better analyze your emails, streamline production, and iterate on strategy for your campaigns"
Properly using marketing automation
On the potential to over-use marketing automation software. " automation isn’t there to replace human marketers. It’s there to enable them."
Why You Shouldn’t Send Image-Only Emails
A breakdown of the key reasons why your emails should not consist of only images, including when images are disabled in email clients, long load times, and accessibility concerns.
Impactful Images
An email image is impactful when it is aligned to the email message.
Four Strategies for Managing Technical Debt
Ward Cunningham introduced the term 'Technical Debt' to the world in a 1992 report as the debt that accrues when we knowingly or unknowingly make wrong or non-optimal technical decisions.
Email template guide
Build branded email templates to send out more quality email campaigns. From planning a templated email workflow, to designing a modular email template, to coding a template for reuse, and managing individual emails based on your template.
Guide to responsive email design
"A guide to why designing for mobile has become a necessary skill for email designers, the fundamentals of designing and building a mobile-friendly email, along with tips and techniques."
How to Define a Workflow That Keeps Content Production On Track
"A content workflow is a set of tasks that a team needs to complete for a given client or content type – a web page, a blog post, a white paper, an email, or any other kind of content that the group needs to deliver."
Four guidelines and 18 tips for email content
"How do you produce content that is useful, engaging and/or entertaining? And how do you do that when budgets are tight and your time is limited?"