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Access levels are grouped into several roles in Blocks Edit, each with their own permissions:
Permissions | Review link | Editor | Admin | Owner |
Preview and review pages and emails | ||||
Comment and provide feedback | ||||
Build and edit pages and emails | ||||
Invite others to build and edit | ||||
Upload/update theme and settings | ||||
Enable/manage integrations | ||||
Manage organization and billing |
When signing up for an account, you will have your own organization where you have the owner role. As an owner, you can view all the themes under your organization, including the ones someone else adds.
Anyone you invite to a theme can build new pages and emails and edit current ones. If you are invited to a theme, you are given the same permissions.
As an owner or admin in an organization, you can manage roles for other people. To set additional permissions, click the settings icon () at the top.
On the settings page, you can see all the owner(s) and admin(s) for the organization.
You have the option to Add another admin. As an admin, the user is able to upload new themes, and update current ones, as well as delete a theme. They can also manage theme settings and setup integrations.
If you are an owner, you can also set someone to the owner role here, under Add another owner. The owner role has added access to billing and payment for your organization.
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