

Setup instructions

Bucket info

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  2. Click on Services at the top and find S3 under Storage.
  3. On your S3 Buckets screen, you’ll need to make a note of the Bucket Name and its Region.

    Amazon Web Services S3 buckets

Security credentials

  1. Click on your account drop down in the upper right and go to My Security Credentials.
  2. On your Security Credentials screen, look for the Create access key button and click on it to setup an access key to use in Blocks Edit.
  3. Copy both the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key and paste them into your Blocks Edit integration setup.

    Amazon Web Services S3 buckets

  4. If you already have access keys created, you can use one of them instead. You'll need to make sure you have the Secret Access Key as well as it may not be shown here.

Finishing up in Blocks Edit

  1. In Blocks Edit, next to your organization at the top, click the integrations icon (). Note: You’ll see the integration option only if you are an admin or owner on the account.
  2. Click the Add button next to AWS S3.
  3. Enter your bucket name in the Home Bucket field.
  4. Select the Region of the bucket.
  5. You can set a preferred Access-Control option, or leave it as is.
  6. You also have the option of adding Meta Data for your images.

Using its features

Once the integration is in place, you can use the Amazon Web Services S3 specific features with your theme. Here’s what you can do:

Theme access settings

You will need to enable your integration for each theme that you want to allow using as a source for images in the editor. You can do this in the dashboard by clicking on the preferences icon () on the right side of a theme title.

When enabled, the option to set a base directory to access images from is available. For example, if you want to limit access to a certain project folder.

Theme settings

Note: you will need to be an admin or owner on the account to have access to these settings.

Accessing your remote images

In the editor, when adding in images, along with being able to upload local images, next to the upload option will also be an option to import from your S3 bucket files where you can browse and preview images to pick the one you need.

Note: this will not appear as an option if it has been disabled for a particular theme by an account admin or owner.


When you’re ready to export your page or email, you will have an option to export assets to your bucket. Image URLs will automatically update in the HTML based on the base URL set in the integration settings.


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