
Theme updates

If you’re working on a page or email and the theme has been updated, you will see an update icon () at the top. Clicking on it will allow you to have the latest theme changes applied to your page or email.

Updating will keep your content intact while design changes are applied in the background. Depending on what the update is, you may not notice any visual difference, but the update will have been applied to the HTML code so you’ll have the latest theme changes.

Added save state

When applied, a new version of the page or email is saved in the activity sidebar on the right. This allows you to rollback the changes if you feel like the update doesn’t apply to the page or email you were working on.

Layouts and pins

Layouts and pins will also need to be updated, separately from the page or email. If applicable, you will see the update icon at the top of the layouts panel on the left sidebar. You will only need to apply layout and pin updates when the theme is updated, not for every page or email.


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