
Sections and components

Sections and components can be found on the left sidebar of the editor, depending on if the theme has them available. You will need to be in edit mode to access them.


Sections allow you to change the layout of your page or email. In the left sidebar, look for the sections tab ().

Section dragging example

Section pinning

Pin option for sections

Pinning a section allows saving content that you can reuse across pages or emails within a theme.

You will see a pin icon () in the upper right of a section when editing content. Clicking the icon prompts you to name your saved content.

Your pinned section gets added on the left sidebar, under the pins tab (). To use it in your page or email, go to the pins tab and drag your saved pin into your content.

You can rename and remove any pin in the sidebar by clicking the edit icon () under its thumbnail. You can re-save a pin after making changes to it by clicking the pin icon and choosing Save current version. This will add it to a history of revised versions of the pin.

Note: If the theme is updated, pins would need to be updated using the update option in order to use the latest theme version.

Pin groups

You can also add pin groups that allow you to keep your pins organized.

Pin groups example


Components are elements that can be added in throughout your page or email, such as a button. In the left sidebar, under the components tab (), you will see thumbnails of components that are available.

What are variants?

Variants are alternate style options for a piece of content. This might be a button, title text, a component, or a whole section. You can see if there is a variant available by looking for number options above an area you have your mouse over.

Code snippets

Code snippets are often used for adding web page widgets, or email provider specific code for segmenting content. Blocks Edit will output the code in its raw form after export.


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