
Publish your pages

On the dashboard, click the Publish option at the top to publish all of your pages. Or, you can publish individual pages by clicking the upload icon () on the right side of the page you want to publish. When editing a page in the visual editor, click Publish in the upper right.


If you have an integration setup that connects to an external host, you will see a dropdown of your available source options to upload to. Click Publish pages and assets to push all your changes to the server.

Publish options

Otherwise, you'll need to setup an integration to connect to your hosting provider, either via FTP or CDN, or have your admin set it up for you to start using.


If you would prefer to download your assets, you can use the Export option at the top. Or, the download icon () on the right side of the page you want to export. And in the visual editor, click Export in the upper right.

Export options


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