Write your web and email content directly, inline within design components, and collaborate with your team for edits, all in one place.
Focus on writing and editing your content without worrying about the code behind it.
Edit content visually, inline, so you see exactly what your email or page looks like in real-time.
More than half of pages and emails are viewed on a smartphone. Preview and edit for mobile.
Reduce the back and forth of passing around docs and emails to review content with your team.
Drag and drop in pre-designed components to customize your page, form, or email.
Adding new images or links is as simple as typing in your text, with all the formatting done for you.
"Blocks Edit allows me to collaborate on email campaigns with my team quickly and efficiently which is extremely helpful in the fast pace of today’s online atmosphere."
— Danielle Taylor, eCommerce Manager at AAA Northway
A point and click, drag and drop interface with no formal training required. So anyone can be invited to jump in, review, comment, and make necessary changes to content.
Showing an example of how content should be plugged in to work well with the design.
Set restrictions around content, like text formatting and length, and image sizing.
Save pieces of content in a library for your team to browse and use again.
For editors who build and edit content, or shared via a preview link for anyone to review.
Checklist to review content, flagging of missing or broken links, automated image formatting.
Keep track of who makes updates and when, and view and revert to a previous iteration.
Integrate with your tools, automate asset exporting, follow accessibility best practices.
Simple roles, with admin, building, editing, proofing, and review modes.
Some of the organizations that have improved content production for their team.
Import your HTML design and make it visually editable in minutes.