Getting started with email development
We've posted the slide deck and notes from our recent talk, a primer on email marketing and modular template design for web developers. Email is back: on the state of coding email marketing templates → Are you a part of the SS email geeks?
For fellow Star Trek fans (especially TNG, my personal favorite), check out this meme for email geeks and share it with the rest of your crew members! Additional resources on starting out with email dev
"...tables and inline CSS and Microsoft Word as a rendering engine… I quickly realized the intricacies of email coding were way beyond my expectations..." "An insight into the world of building and sending email, and a couple of code snippets and resources that are sure to add some hours back into your life." An Introduction To Building And Sending HTML Email For Web Developers → "A print campaign has one rendering. Website rendering is significantly more complex, since sites can look different depending on a device’s operating system, browser, and screen size. But even that is no match for the complexity of email rendering." |